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Important Phone Numbers


Here’s a handy list of numbers for all RightCare member services. You can also find this list in your member handbook.

Phone Numbers for Members

Member Services

Our Member Services staff is here to help you. We have staff available who speak English or Spanish. If you need, we can arrange for an interpreter to help you. 855-TX-RIGHT (897-4448) 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT, weekdays (except state-approved holidays) TTY: 711.

You can also call if you need help finding a doctor, scheduling an appointment, getting a new ID card or accessing benefits and services.


Service Coordination 855-897-4448

Behavioral Health Case Management 855-395-9652

24-Hour Nurse Line

Need care advice? Have a medical question? Not sure if you should see a doctor? For non-emergency symptoms and health or treatment questions, RightCareMembers have access to talk with a nurse 24/7. Get the information you need any time of the day or night by calling 855-828-1013. Information is available in English and Spanish. Interpreter services available upon request. TTY users can call 711.

Compliance Hotline

Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse 888-484-6977

Behavioral Health Crisis Hotline (24/7)


Vision Benefits Information

Superior/Block Vision: 800-879-6901

Dental Benefits Information

DentaQuest: 800-516-0165

MCNA Dental: 800-494-6262

Liberty Dental (value-added service for pregnant women): 877-550-4374

United Dental: 877-901-7321

Phone Numbers for Providers

SWHP Provider Relations Representative Territory Map

SWHP Provider Relations Representative Territory Map

Provider Relations (including claims questions)

855-TX-RIGHT (897-4448) 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT weekdays (except state-approved holidays)

Prior Authorizations and Notifications

RightCare: 855-691-7947

Pharmacy: 877-908-6023

Behavioral Health: 855-395-9652

Eligibility Verification (IVR Line)


Compliance Hotline


Additional Helpful Phone Numbers

Ombudsman Managed Care Assistance Team

866-566-8989TTY: 711

MAXIMUS – Enrollment Broker


Eligibility Verification (IVR) Line


Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)

A state program for families with children, birth to age 3, who have disabilities or are delayed. It supports families to help their children reach their potential. ECI Care Line: 800-628-5115

DARS (Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services) Inquiries Line:


Office of the Inspector General Hotline (OIG)


Fraud, waste, and abuse harms us all. If you think a doctor, other provider or a person who gets benefits is misusing state benefits, call the HHSC Inspector General Integrity Line at 800-436-6184 or report it online at

Department of Family and Protective Services


Nonemergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)

Call us 48 hours before at 877-447-3101(TTY 711) or download the Access2Care (A2C) app.

Where's My Ride? Help with Nonemergency Medical Transportation

To set up a ride, contact us one of the following ways:

  • Call 877-447-3101 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT weekdays (except state-approved holidays)
  • Download the A2C app, Access2Care's no cost mobile app. You can find it on the Apple App and Google Play stores.

Customer Service Representatives speak both English and Spanish. If you speak another language, we can connect you with an interpreter. Members with hearing loss can call the TTY Line at 711.

WIC (Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program)
